Bad Boys Protection Collars, Compound
Bad Boys™ are an FOC arrow sleeve that slides over the shaft of your arrow, allowing your shot to carry more momentum for fatal penetration.
- Most popular sizes: 100gr and 125gr
- Fits Standard OR Micro Shaft Arrows
- Shoots great 20, 40, 60+ yards with only minor adjustments
- Effective shots with increased inertia
- Increase your shots momentum without sacrificing accuracy
- Easy to use and interchangeable, both in field and range
The Bad Boys™ are engineered to shoot where your current arrow is dialed in; It’ll hit the same place around 20-30 yards. With farther distances, like 40, 50, 60 yards, it will only need minor adjustments. We made a product that is easy to switch sleeve weights out in the field without having to fiddle with retuning!
Bad Boys Protection Collars, Compound
An ingenious addition
Easy slip on fit, with color coding making it easy to grab the right one from the quiver, even when in a hurry. A simple design that is easy to add or remove as needed or not, and that doesn’t interfere otherwise with normal function of the bow and arrow.
Shot the Bad Boys on my original arrows while I wait for my fletching tool back. The Bad Boys definitely add a punch to the arrow with the added weight, but I did not have to re-set my sights. Hope I get to use them on a moose this year here in Maine.
Interesting product
Received some 125 grain bad boys by replying to a protracter add . I have been suffering with a sore shoulder lately so I am currently only drawing 47 lbs but at 30 yards on my foam target turned long ways I was averaging about 2 inches more penetration then the arrows without the bad boys, my bow which is not loud was noticeably quieter . Interesting .
Response from Pro-Tracker Archery
Hey that’s awesome! Sorry about your shoulder but we’re happy to hear that you’re getting the penetration with not having to increase the poundage!
Innovative and game changing
I can’t believe how accurate and precise my shooting has become after trying these bad boys. Who knew that weight forward technology could improve arrow flight in such a way. I was pretty sceptical when first looking into this stuff but now I’m sold for life.
Amazing flight
Added the 100gr to my normal arrows and first shot was perfect bullet through paper. Then began shooting at 20 and 30 and saw very negligible drop of arrows. Awesome way to add some FOC.
I'm impressed!
I got these after the 2020 archery season so I haven’t been able to test them while hunting. That being said they will definitely be on my arrows in the future. I have the 125gr and there’s a noticeable difference with and without them.
An amazing product.
This weight system is amazing. I ordered this product out of need last fall and have loved it ever since. So last fall I was on an elk hunt that ended with a punched tag with no elk. On the second day of the hunt I had a perfect opportunity at a gorgeous bull. Sadly at the sound of my bow the bull turned just enough my arrow drilled him square in the shoulder. Only penetrated like 4 inches. So having wounded an elk (would have been my first bull) I punched my tag, even though I am positive the bull lived. Having said that, with this product that will never happen again. I have done a few test with cow shoulder blades and these arrows blow threw up to 60 yards. I never plan on hitting an elk in the shoulder again, but with this system I know i would still end the hunt with an elk in the freezer. I highly recommend this system.
The fluted penetrator
SHOT: 350gr
When I first saw this product I thought it looked very much a gimmick. after getting the FOC much heavier on my current arrows I noticed a greater penetration when shooting. as so much to say you guys owe me a new target from the holes that this awesome product produced. I cannot wait until I can use these on an elk come this next fall.
Fly Great
I’m pretty new at Archery, but these seem pretty good. Arrows still fly great with them. Planning on using them this hunting season.
The bad boys work excellent for adding more weight for better slamming power. Highly recommend them.