Why I am for Donald Trump.

By Steven A Segal – January, 2016

In normal times I would say the U.S. could suffer through another mediocre republican presidency, and I site George H. W. and George W. Bushs’ republican presidencies as examples of poor to mediocre presidencies. In my opinion the United States has been so damaged internationally, militarily, and financially; and so destructively divided internally over the past 7 years that we desperately need an atypical leader at this point in time.

President Harry Truman was not well liked. The only reason he got reelected is because Thomas Dewey was so arrogant and self-centered he blew the election. Truman was feisty, opinionated, foul mouthed about congress and others who did not agree with him, and arrogant to the press. His well-known comment, “If it’s too hot in the kitchen for you, get the hell out”, would be up dated to present language to say, “If you haven’t got the balls to stand up to tough situations you are not the right son-of-a-bitch to do the job”. In my opinion Truman was exactly the right personality we needed at the time to immediately bring Japan to its knees, and to confront the pugnacious Joseph Stalin. He had the fortitude needed at the moment and he, quite frankly didn’t care about what people thought of his decisions if he thought it was right for the United States’ immediate interests.

I do not believe America can recover its place as the world power by electing a nice comfortable candidate who hesitates to sharply address the world’s rogue leaders as they push the limits of their aggressiveness. In years past we’ve been very polite and diplomatically patient with Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, Mussolini, Mayo, Kim Jong-Il the Saudis and numerous other scoundrel countries and leaders of evil intent. It has cost hundreds of millions of human lives and untold misery worldwide.

Do I think Donald Trump’s manner is praiseworthy? No, but I am not looking for a leader that makes me feel all warm and cuddly. I am rather looking for a leader that can say no to the special interests, who might be able to pull compromises together, who leaves no doubt in the minds of our enemies that to push us will result in their demise, who leaves no doubt in the minds of our friends that we have their back-sides against demagogues, and can gather real experts to advise. I am looking for a leader that does not have to depend on the established political machine for approval, who doesn’t have to capitulate to special interests of the moment and who isn’t concerned about having a sweet reading legacy. Is Trump that leader? I don’t know until he gets into office and spends a year tromping around in the roll. Will he upset me? Definitely! But I cannot think of a president who hasn’t upset me ever since I was old enough to understand what was going on.

At this time Donald Trump is the only candidate that iterates the deep problems facing America, and seems to be the only candidate willing to face those problems head on.