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Pro-Tracker Recovery System

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 49 reviews)

Get the complete Pro-Tracker Recovery System. Everything you need to guarantee the recovery of your trophy.

The Pro-Tracker® Recovery System is a radio frequency system that is used in bowhunting. The radio transmitter rests in a carrier on the shaft of your arrow and deploys when the arrow penetrates the hide of the animal. The arrow continues to penetrate and the transmitter remains in the hide. The transmitter has a battery life of 18–20 hours and a range up to 2 miles. This means that if regular tracking methods are exhausted, the Pro-Tracker Recovery System can be used to locate your trophy.


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Pro-Tracker Recovery System

The Pro-Tracker Recovery System ensures the recovery of your fatally wounded game. Every ethical hunter is troubled by the thought of losing wounded game, the Pro-Tracker® System allows for recovery of wounded game through the use of the latest technology. A poor shot, weather conditions and other factors out of a hunter’s control can make tracking impossible. Depending on a blood trail can result in failure. Unlike a lighted nock, the Pro-Tracker® System tracks your game, not just your arrow by detaching from the arrow and into the hide of the animal. Using radio transmission, the transmitter allows you to pinpoint the location of your fatally wounded animal. Hunt with confidence, hunt with Pro-Tracker®.

*This recovery system is an entire system for ONE (1) transmitter hunt. There is 1 live transmitter and 1 dummy transmitter. Each charging unit can charge up to 2 transmitters. Additional accessories can be purchased.

Works on all broadheads. Mechanical broadheads need to open horizontally; transmitter and carrier must rest on top of the arrow

This package includes:

  • (1) Radio Frequency Transmitter Alpha. Bright Green optimized for high visibility in low light conditions. High tensile strength steel hook with three barbs.
  • (2) 7075 Aluminum Carriers – Black Carnivore. Made from the 7075 aluminum alloy used in aerospace programs to resist high velocity impacts.
  • (1) Tracking Radio Frequency Receiver with Backlit LED Screen. Tracks up to 6 transmitters at once and shows if animal is moving or stagnant.
  • (1) YAGI Antenna.
  • (1) Practice Dummy Transmitter Alpha. For sighting and practice shooting.
      • Use the hooked dummy transmitter only on soft targets! The target needs to simulate animal flesh/hide. The barbs might tear up your target and/or ruin your dummy– remember, it’s intended to go into flesh/hide!
      • Build your own soft target. Here’s are the DIY instructions.
  • (1) Dual Charger for Transmitters. Charges up to 2 Transmitters at once.
  • (1) USB Cable for Charger. For charging from USB plugs and batteries in the field.
  • (1) USB to Edison plug. For charging at home from wall outlets.
  • (1) Custom Carrying Case. Custom built for optimal protection of the system.
  • (15) Retainer Clips. New slick design to hold your transmitter in the carrier.


The Pro-Tracker® System comes with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Download the Pro-Tracker® System User Manual here


A fantastic product and Six Star customer service

June 30, 2024

I ordered the first gen tracker last October after losing a buck and retrieved my next one successfully in high grass. I bought the second gen Protracker recently and it didn’t fit the old charger but they sent a new charger ,a new tracker, and new clips. They made things right and stood by their product in the end . The CEO even called me after my initial purchase and personally mailed the replacement. This is why I buy products that are made in America. Nowhere else in the world would a CEO stand by their product so much and be grateful for good customers . I’m a relatively new hunter and I’ll take the customer service lessons I’ve learned from your company with me always.

Dozié Uzoma

Response from Pro-Tracker Archery

Wow! Thank you Dozié for your kind review! We really do stand by our products and truly want all fellow archers to succeed. Best of luck this upcoming season!!

Quickly recovered 6x6 with tracking system

December 3, 2023

We heard about Pro-Tracker from a friend and we were excited to give it a try. I was fortunate enough to have a beautiful 6×6 come in. I was sure I made a good shot but we couldn’t find any blood right away. The Pro-Tracker not only led us in the direction of my bull— which was lying on top of the transmitter!— it also led us to some blood on the ground. It was fun watching the number go up on the receiver the closer we got to the bull. And there he was! Pro-Tracker led us right to him. I would highly recommend Pro-Tracker if you’re like me and never want to risk losing your game!

Samantha Barnard

Response from Pro-Tracker Archery

This is great! We loved the pictures and videos of your hunt.

I will be using this thing for years to come

November 21, 2023

I had to know if it works. So I went to my truck, forgot about the blood trail. I even came back in the wood in a different area. This thing took me right to my deer. I am a believer this thing really works… I will be using this thing for years to come


Complete pass through

November 17, 2023

complete pass through… protracker worked perfectly. got to use this system on my bow kill this year..I’m terribly color blind and have lost recoverable animal in the past..I was considering giving up on bow hunting as i do not believe it is ethical to be hunting and know it will be extremely challenging to track an animal..this thing worked perfect..all of my doubts are gone..I had many questions about the operation of it and it limitations..the people there..Gary.. was extremely knowledgeable and patient.. I had many questions.. in the end it worked perfect..accurately hit..nice pass thru..transmitter stuck and started emitting on contact..battery operated fine…receiver worked perfect.. walked directly to the animal…the animal fled out of sight…which gave me a very bad the past it’s about a 50/50 chance of me recovering it…I waited a half hour..flipped on the receiver and bingo got a reading…walked it right down.. perfect… really worked nice..thank you

Mike Poirier

Easy set-up and I think would put you at ease in tracking an animal great product!

September 19, 2023

This was an amazing system that will make finding the animal you shot a lot easier to find.

Kirk Lindahl

Had my doubts...

July 3, 2023

The recovery system shot amazing. Before firing it I had my doubts but once I saw my arrow fly I was a believer!

Deandre Reed

Solid System

January 7, 2023

Pro-Tracker is a solid system. I needed a few tweaks to get it to work properly with my crossbow. The system requires one to secure the tracker to the arrow a bit more with the crossbow, due to the increased velocity, when compared to a compound bow. Gary was very helpful as I worked with him in the past. He and his company were quite supportive. I look forward to touching base with him this year at NRA convention/show in Nashville.

David LaHue

Response from Pro-Tracker Archery

David, thank you so much for the recommendations. We are so glad that the system has been working for you. We look forward to seeing you as well!

Great idea for all hunters.

December 14, 2022

Increased chances of recovery of your animal.

Chad White

It works!

July 19, 2021

With correct clip works good. Little more than I want to spend though for just I piece.

Brayden Fulton

July 19, 2021

I want to buy as many as I can because they are sooo useful and they are pretty durable.

John Bair